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Sunday, October 31, 2010

get paid to drive safely

Do you like to multitask while driving? SafeCellApp will PAY you to put down the phone. The new points-based program rewards you for every mile that you drive without distractions.

This app uses iPhone's GPS to track how many miles you've driven safely -- i.e., without talking on the phone or texting. Each mile driven safely equals one point, and 500 points can get you a $5 gift card to retailers like Amazon, Apple, and Macy's. For emergencies, you can press a big emergency button and make a call. And even though your GPS location is being tracked everywhere, you are supposedly the only one who has access to the details of your whereabouts.

At $12, SafeCellApp is considered pretty expensive for an app, but the idea is that you'll make it all back with safe driving. Although you'd have to (safely) drive a whopping 1,200 miles before you break even. Personally, I can't imagine this being an effective incentive to get people to stop calling/texting while driving. The only person I can imagine having the patience to drive without distractions for 500 miles is my mom, and she's the kind of person who would never pick up the phone while driving in the first place.


  1. As it stands right now, I don't understand how this is useful for a customer. If I wanted to drive safer, I don't need an app to give me $5 coupons.

    However, what if this company changed who they consider to be the customer. What if insurance companies became the official customer. Insurance rates could be linked to driver behaviors. The smartphone app would be able to tell the insurance company that you are consistently an undistracted driver and deserve a premium reduction... or the opposite for most Boston drivers.

  2. oh, that's an interesting perspective. insurance companies -- i like that, and i could see that working.
