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Monday, November 1, 2010

Energy Sector and IT

This article from MY Times today is relevant for the group focused on the energy sector for sure. It also is relevant for others who see patterns in the energy sector as a reference point to shifts that could happen to other sector as well.. At minimum, it makes you think about the relevance of these companies in the energy sector over the next five years as well as their potential role in other related sectors.

1 comment:

  1. I would say that here is a clear path for our future and sustainable development: Microgrids, cities of such large population are not by any mean our ideal future.

    All the IT solutions for communications make our location irrelevant, therefore small cities with "smarter" designs can be the future, self generating their energy, regulating their consumption, eliminating wasted time in commuting and as a consequences of that having lower independent range vehicles.

    The big cites will still be there in 5 years and all this companies will try to bring mass solutions to their habitants, and is fine, however in 50 years those big cities will not be the place where you want to live.

    The big chunk of lowering consumption and becoming energy efficient being is now, but the true revolution are the smaller sustainable "microgrids"
