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Monday, September 27, 2010

Gladwell not particularly interested in your tweets


Here is an interesting article that considers the limits of social networking. To be fair, Gladwell is evaluating Twitter and Facebook usage in the context of promoting social change. That social change business involves a different set of concerns than Facebook's primary interest which is at its core collecting as much information about folks so they can sell stuff. Still, its a worthwhile read...

1 comment:

  1. great article. I was working in progressive politics doing online advocacy (among other things) from 2001 until about 2006 and it amazed me what was considered a win - what do 30,000 signatures on an online petition actually do? (hint: nothing) Obama's campaign team's ability to translate his online network into offline action was a breakthrough. In both business and social movements, integrating social media into a set of tools designed to spur specific offline action seems like the way to go moving forward. I agree with Gladwell, social media should be one tactic among many to move people toward a desired action, not an end in itself.
