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Monday, November 1, 2010

On the importance of ACPs

I thought this WSJ article was a good example of the importance of maintaining carefully thought-out architectural control points (ACPs).

In brief, the article describes an internal Facebook investigation to address a breach of privacy issue in which third-party application developers were sending users' Facebook ID numbers to marketing and data firms.

While Facebook had previously addressed this control point through a governance mechanism (sending out Facebook ID numbers is a violation of Facebook policy), they obviously did not enforce the policy through technology.

1 comment:

  1. In yet another instance of FB's cavalier approach to controlling acsess to sensitive information, they quietly acknowledged that their failure to encrypt log-in info caused major security issues for users who were accessing FB through unsecured wi-fi,i.e., any public access point like a coffee shop. All while promoting FB partnerships with mobile devices. I'm not sure which surprises me more: their attitude or that their isn't a bigger uproar which causes them to act.

    Valleywag post:
